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WASD Approves Resuming 5-Day, In-Person Instruction for Hybrid Students
District Wide
October 28, 2020 | Community

WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. (OCTOBER 28, 2020) — The Williamsport Area School District Board of Directors voted to have all students, K-12, in the hybrid model return to five days a week for full-time, in-person instruction.
Students will return on a staggered schedule:
Students will return full time according to their school building schedule:
Primary Schools (K-3): 9:05 a.m. | Intermediate Schools (4-6): 8:50 a.m.
Secondary students will return full time according to their school building schedule:
Middle School (7-8): 7:45 a.m. | High School (9-12): 7:40 a.m.
To Our Full Remote Students
At this time, we also invite and welcome all remote students who wish to return to five days a week to in-person instruction. Please make your request directly to your remote teacher or call your home school’s building principal. We will act upon your request quickly to ensure a successful transition.Transportation
Any families who now plan to have their child(ren) ride the bus, but have not used district transportation this year, must contact our transportation office at 570-326-0671 to arrange a bus stop and bus time. This contact must be made before transportation can begin. If your child currently rides a bus and has a designated bus stop, no contact is needed.
Please continue to screen your child’s temperature and ensure they arrive to school with a proper face covering.
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