Learning Resources


Students and staff can choose from over 15,000 books and 37 different magazines. Students may check out up to 3 books and 1 magazine unless they owe the library a fine. Books may be renewed two times.

After-School Tutoring

After-school tutoring is available to WAMS students who need a little extra academic support in any subject area. The program will return during the 2021-2022 school year. Information on scheduling and bus schedules will be published here when available. 

Important Links

Need to know if a book has an AR quiz? Go to http://www.arbookfind.com  

Library online catalog - (Destiny Discover) from home.

World Book Online Encyclopedia - is available at school. Click on the library link to the left of the dock on any of the computers in the library. Select the World Book Online icon. Ask Mrs. Brosan for the username and password.

Power Library - Click Power Library at school. At home, go to the James V. Brown Library website. Click on Online Resources and select Power Library. You must have a library card, or sign up for an e-card on the library website.

Noodletools - Use Noodletools for note-taking, outlining, citation, document archiving/annotation, and collaborative research and writing. Log in with your school username and password.

Noodletools Bibliography Instructions

Download this document to get step-by-step instructions for using the Noodletools Bibliography tool.

Download Noodletools Bibliography Instructions

Web Links

Rennaissance Place