District Boundaries
The Williamsport Area School Board directs that the assignment of students to classes and schools within the district shall be consistent with students' educational needs and abilities and the best use of district resources. Students will be assigned to schools according to the attendance area in which they reside. Based on school enrollments, class sizes and specialized educational services, students may be assigned to another district school by the administration.
Begin by entering your address into the box below to identify your schools of attendance. If you do not have an address or want to explore all schools you may click the "Find on Map" button to go directly to the map. This search can only be used for K-6 schools as all 7-12 students go to WAMS and WAHS.
Search tips:
- Start typing the address from the beginning rather than copying and pasting.
- Once you see the result you're looking for you may click the result.