FAQs: Guidance for WAHS Seniors

On Monday, March 30, 2020, Gov. Tom Wolf announced that all public schools in the Commonwealth will remain closed until further notice as a result of the COVID-19 response efforts. We are aware of the implications this closure could have on our students, in particular our senior class. Below is a listing of frequently asked questions that we've been receiving as a result of the closure. 

FAQs: Guidance for WAHS Seniors

Last update: May 29, 2020 —11:47 a.m.


How did the school closure impact Q3? 
In light of the sudden mandated closure, WASD has elected to end the third marking period a week early March 13, 2020. Teachers will finalize grades on April 3, 2020. Report cards will be mailed home onApril 8, 2020.


How will class rank and GPA be impacted? 
Class rank and GPA will be calculated using Q1, Q2, and Q3 grades only.


Will the COVID-19 school closure impact graduation? 
For details on how we plan to celebrate the Class of 2020, click here.


If I am a senior, what education do I need to complete in order to graduate this year from WAHS? 
Seniors will receive planned course instruction that will allow them to earn Q4 grades, final grades and course credits to graduate. The Q4 grade will be no lower than a 65% (passing) with the opportunity for the student’s grade to improve from this baseline based on work completion. Passing grades, earned credits before the closure, and earning final course credits are necessary to meet graduation requirements. This work will be completed through our online learning platform Edgenuity. All students will receive information on how to complete this delivery method through the student dashboard. If your household does not have a connected electronic device, WASD is working on a way to provide one to you. Our target date to begin online learning is April 13, 2020.


Scholarship applications were originally due on Friday, March 27. Is that due date still in effect? Some scholarships required letters of recommendation. Can I submit the application without those letters? 
You should complete the WAHS Common Scholarship Application ASAP and submit by April 24, 2020. (The application and 1040 tax forms for parent and student are only needed at this time.) More information will be forthcoming on this topic. If it is a scholarship administered by an out-of-district entity, then their guidelines must be followed.


As a senior CTE student, when will I take my NOCTI exam? 
On Monday, March 23, the Pennsylvania Department of Education cancelled standardized testing for students in career and technical education (CTE) programs for the 2019-2020 school year. These include exams from the National Occupational Competency Testing Institute (NOCTI) and National Institute of Metalworking Skills (NIMS).


Are the AP Exams still going to be held? 
The AP College Board is working on an “at-home” assessment plan for students who are registered to take AP exams. This information is going to be released from The College Board around April 6. Online review sessions are happening now for AP students to prepare. More information regarding AP can be found here.


I am a senior athlete. Do you anticipate spring sports resuming? 
This will be dependent upon our return to school and direction from the PIAA regarding spring athletics and competition.


What about other extracurricular programming, such as art and music, for the remainder of the school year? 
This will be dependent upon our return to school and guidance from the Pennsylvania Department of Education and PA Department of Health.


Can I still apply to college if I have not applied to date?
Yes. You may apply but you will need to contact the college of choice to inquire about deadlines for application. If you need a transcript sent to a college or if you would like to self-view it, you will need to request through Parchment.


Can I still take the SAT? 
You can refer to The College Board for up to date and current information about SAT testing. WAHS will remain as a testing site for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. Information about cancelled testing dates or registration can be found here as well.  Many colleges are waiving SAT requirements, but be sure to check with your college of choice.  


If I am currently enrolled in a credit recovery course, do I need to complete this course to earn the credit? 
Yes. If you were enrolled in a credit recovery course through Edgenuity, then you must complete the course with a grade of a 65% or higher to earn that credit toward graduation. This would apply to seniors.


If I have an IEP, how will I get assistance with Q4 online academics? 
Your IEP case manager will be in contact with you to assist you with completing any assigned work for Q4 for CORE subject areas.  If you have a graduation plan, your IEP case manager will assist you in meeting the expectations of your IEP graduation plan for the remainder of the school year.


What if the school year is extended? How will this affect my plans for college summer session, work, or military commitment? 
It is our goal to have senior students to complete their education by June 1, 2020. This would be the same date as if we were continuing Q4 as normal.


What if I need credits to graduate this year due to under performance in a CORE subject area (Y1 average of a 64.99 or below)? 
Each senior has met with their counselor or principal to discuss credit needs for this school year. Your school counselor will be in touch with you to discuss possible options.


Will summer school still be available if I need to recover a credit? 
For information on how summer school will operate, click here


Will we have a junior/senior prom? 
We want to hold a junior/senior prom this year, but may have to make a difficult decision to cancel based upon recommendations from Pennsylvania Department of Education and the PA Department of Health.


Will we have a commencement ceremony? 
Update: For details on how we plan to celebrate the Class of 2020, click here.