Frequently Asked Questions: Secondary (7-12)

SECONDARY 7-12 (Williamsport Area Middle School & High School)

Q:  What if I have my own device?   
A: All students must use a district issued device.  
Q:  What if I don’t have reliable internet connection?   
A:  The District is in the process of working with outside agencies to offer remote learning sites. As well as placing hotspots throughout our district.  
Q: If hybrid must move to remote secondary instruction, will there be significant synchronous instruction, or will it be self-paced as in the spring?  

A: We are prioritizing synchronous learning.  We want students to participate in our curriculum with our instruction, and our pace.  Students grades will count, attendance will count, and both will be used to build a report card. 

Q: How will social distancing be maintained during class transitions at the high school?  

A: Social distancing dots have been placed in hallways, particularly in high traffic areas. Students will be encouraged to utilize one-way hallway patterns where possible. Students will also be required to wear masks when in the hallway. Stairwells will be designated as one-way traffic patterns as well. Staff in the hallways will assist with student movement. 

Q: Will the secondary students be required to wear their face coverings for the whole day? How will the teachers be handling the implementation of the face cover wearing? 

A: We are requiring all staff and students to wear masks to support the safety and health of our entire school community. Students will be able to remove their masks while maintaining social distancing in the classroom setting while in the Hybrid phase.  Students will not be required to wear face covering when outside unless social distancing is not possible.  A face covering must be worn when entering all school buildings and changing of classes.  This applies to students and adults. 

Q: Will face coverings be provided or does each student bring their own? 

A:  WASD will provide a mask for any student that needs one.  Masks are mandatory for all students as they enter the building and walk in common areas.  Parents and Students are strongly encouraged to purchase their own masks for student use in the school setting.  Families are encouraged to regularly wash personal masks at home.

Q:  What will busing look like? Will masks need to be worn?   

A:  Students will load the bus from the back to the front.  Students will be expected to sit two students per seat.  Since social distancing cannot be guaranteed on the bus, students will be required to wear a face mask on the bus.   

Q:  What time will schools open for parents to drop their children off if they drive them rather than ride the bus?   

A:  Primary Buildings - 8:50 a.m. - 9:05 a.m. 
Intermediate Buildings - 8:35 a.m. - 8:50 a.m. 
WAMS - 7:20 a.m. - 7:50 a.m. 
WAHS - 7:20 a.m. - 7:40 a.m. 

Q: Will there be regular unified arts (WAMS) & electives (WAHS) in the secondary schools?  

A: Yes. Unified Arts (Technology, music, art, PE, health) will be offered in both the in-school and remote options. In the middle school, teachers will come to classrooms, pick up the students, and take them to their unified arts rotation. PE will be held in the gym and fitness center when possible without the use of locker rooms. We will try and schedule classes outside to the extent the weather, space and schedule allows.  High School students will continue to rotate to all elective classes and CTE courses.  

Q: What policies will be in place if cases spike? 

A: If cases spike and schools close, we will move these students and the entire district into remote learning phase. All students would continue to have the same schedule, with the same teachers, and receive all five days of instruction on Schoology.

Q: Will water fountains be available for students to use during the school day?  

A: No, touchless water bottle fillers will be available for student use.  Students are encouraged to bring their own water bottle to fill throughout the school day using the WASD touchless water bottle filling stations.  

Q: Will hand sanitizer be available for students during the school day?  

A: Yes, every classroom has a hand sanitizing station available for student use.  Hand sanitizing stations will also be available in hallways and other high traffic areas for student use.  Students are encouraged to bring their own personal hand sanitizer with them to use throughout the year.             

Q: Will all courses for secondary students be available through the Remote Learning Program?  

A: Yes, all Remote Learning options are the same.  Students enrolled in Career and Technical Education courses are strongly encouraged to stay in the hybrid phase due to the competencies that are required as part of their respective programs.  

Q:  If I chose remote learning, how do I receive my device?   

A:  Remote learners will pick up their device at the WASD Technology Office, 1400 West Third Street, Williamsport. Information will be sent to remote families with pick-up days and times. 

Q: If a student at school must transition to remote learning due to illness, will they be moved to the Remote Learning Option?  

A: Yes, students participating in the hybrid option who become ill or who need to quarantine will move to our Remote Learning Option. The Remote Learning Option will continue with the same WASD teachers and the use of Schoology.  The student will continue in the same schedule with the same teachers using our curriculum, our instruction, and our pace.  Where possible, the teacher will use Zoom to deliver synchronous instruction to the student for this period of time. 

Q: Will secondary students have access to library books? 

A: We will utilize an online catalog reservation system. If families want to utilize this system in our remote learning, they may do so and make an appointment to swing by and pick up your reserved books.

Q:  Will after school clubs and/or sports be offered by outside organizations or by teachers?   

A:  At this time, no outside organizations are able to use school facilities. This will limit additional potential exposure to COVID-19 for our students and staff and allow time for proper cleaning.