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WAHS Sophomore Among Winners Recognized at Law Day Celebration
District Wide
May 06, 2022 | Awards & Celebrations

WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. (MAY 6, 2022) — Williamsport Area High School sophomore Ella Wilson was recognized for being one of 10 student winners in this year's Law Day Art & Essay Contest, hosted by the Lycoming Law Association at the Lycoming County Courthouse on Friday.
The contest was held as part of the county's celebration of Law Day, which is commemorated every year on May 1 as "an opportunity to host or participate in discussions about law and its role in society," according to the American Bar Association.
This year's entries were submitted on the theme of "Toward a More Perfect Union: The Constitution in Times of Change."
Wilson won under the art category for her poem, "The Solution," which is available to read below:
In order to form a more perfect union
We must find the value in,
Our ears have become deaf, and our eyes cannot see
There is no constitutional difference between you and me
Perhaps it is not the document
Perhaps it is that fact that with every opinion voiced there is an argument
We have become polarized in our beliefs
The left against the right, in a fight with no surrender
But this is the polarization that could cause the end of our nation
The constitution preaches liberty
Yet we silence our opponents and in doing so tolerate a level of hypocrisy
The constitution is to be a guideline
To protect our rights
It serves as the foundation of our nation
But now I must draw the line
No amendment can stop this downward spiral
It is the people who must go the extra mile
It must become time to see that it is okay for people to disagree
But to survive we must do so respectfully
The first amendment gives us the right to use our voice
And as individuals we must honor that choice
This will bring us out of the cave we are in
And then push us towards a more perfect union
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