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Over the Edge: Williamsport to Return This Fall With a Chance for Participants to 'Descend With the Sun'
District Wide
April 13, 2022 | WASD Education Foundation

WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. (APRIL 13, 2022) — River Valley Regional YMCA, YWCA Northcentral PA and the Williamsport Area School District Education Foundation (WASDEF) are pleased to announce the return of Over the Edge (OTE) this fall — this time with some unique changes.
The event will return for its fifth year to its original location at the William Hepburn Highrise, 400 Lycoming St., from 3-10 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 23, allowing this year’s participants a chance to rappel from the top of the building through sunset and early nighttime hours.
Organizers said this year’s change in format is something they hope will generate new excitement with an opportunity to “descend with the sun” and a chance to take in a 360-degree view of the city at night.
The event also will run in conjunction with a downtown block party being planned by OTE title sponsor, UPMC, which will provide for additional activities for the community and OTE participants and spectators.
The OTE fundraising partnership between the three nonprofits allows members of the community to voluntarily commit to raise at least $1,000 for the nonprofit of their choice — or have it divided evenly among all three — in a daring exchange to rappel nine stories from the top of the William Hepburn Highrise.
The nonprofits first banded together in 2018 to bring the event to the city for the first time and have collectively raised more than $275,000 for their organizations through the efforts of more than 265 participants.
Last year, the event collectively raised $98,532 from among 67 participants and 811 donors.
Registration is now open for those ready and willing to act boldly for the benefit of their community through the work of these organizations.
Once signed up, individuals will receive a personalized webpage and toolkit to guide them through the fundraising process. Six registered participants who first hit their $1,000 goal will earn the ability to select a prime rappel time during the event’s sunset hour, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
In addition to that, each organization will be available to provide tips, best practices, special opportunities and unique ideas for those rappelling.
For more information on the event or to register, click here.
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