Core Academics

Below is a listing of our core academic course offerings.

Math 7/Math 7 Enriched • Pre-Algebra • Algebra I • Algebra II • 7th-Grade ELA • 8th-Grade ELA 
7th-Grade Social Studies • 7th-Grade Science • 8th-Grade Integrated Science

Math 7

Course Description: During this course, students will learn a variety of mathematical concepts aligned to the PA Core standards. Students will engage in solving multi-step word problems utilizing varied strategies and methods, which increases understanding of mathematical practices and processes. The year begins with rational number operations and ends with linear relationships increasing algebraic aptitude. This course serves as a foundation for algebraic classes.

Instructional Resources: Go Math Textbook, Khan Academy, Interactive Notebooks, and various on-line materials.

Course Unit Topics:

  • The Number System
  • Proportional Relationships
  • Expressions, Equations and Inequalities
  • Geometry
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Linear Relationships
Student works on a math test.

Math 7 Enriched/Pre-Algebra 8

Course Description: This course is intended to prepare students for Algebra 1. Students will further develop their understanding of number theory and apply these principles to an increased focus on algebraic concepts and functions. In Geometry, students will expand their knowledge of 3D shapes to include geometric transformations. Students will learn to analyze and interpret bivariate data to identify patterns. Rigorous application of the Standards of Mathematical Practices to include perseverance, selection of appropriate tools and the application of reasoning and logic in problem solving will be a keystone of the program.

Instructional Resources:  Go Math Textbook and Online Resource, Various online resources, SAS

Course Unit Topics :  

  • Real Numbers
  • Exponents and Scientific Notation
  • Proportional Relationships
  • Non-proportional Relationships
  • Writing Linear Equations
  • Functions
  • Solving Linear Equations
  • Solving Systems of Linear Equations
  • Transformations and Congruence
  • Transformations and Similarity
  • The Pythagorean Theorem
  • Volume
  • Scatter Plots
  • Two-Way Tables

Algebra I

Course Description:  Algebra I is the study of the basic structure of algebra from real numbers through functions and relations. The major topics of this first-year course are operations with real numbers and variables, the structure of our number system, the solution and graphing of equations and inequalities, systems of linear equations, operations with polynomials, and the concepts of functions and relations, and data analysis.

Instructional Resources: Khan Academy

Course Unit Topics

  • Operations with Real Numbers and Expressions
  • Linear Equations
  • Coordinate Geometry
  • Geometric Relationships
  • Systems of Equations
  • Functions
  • Data Analysis
  • Linear Inequalities
Student works on a math problem.

Algebra II

Course Description: This course is designed to build on algebraic and geometric concepts. It develops advanced algebra skills such as systems of equations, advanced polynomials, imaginary and complex numbers, quadratics, and concepts and includes the study of trigonometric functions.

Instructional Resources:  Larson Algebra 2 textbook, various online resources

Course Unit Topics:   

  • Equations and Inequalities
  • Linear Equations and Functions
  • Linear Systems and Matrices
  • Quadratic Functions and Factoring
  • Rational Exponents and Radical Functions
  • Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
  • Rational Functions
  • Counting Methods and Probability

7th-Grade English Language Arts (ELA)

Course Description: Seventh grade English Language Arts is the study of skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. This course is intended to engage students in reading and analysis of all genres of literature (short story, novel, poetry, nonfiction, informational, etc.).  By reading selected literary works, students deepen their understanding and enhance their appreciation of literature. Students will develop critical reading strategies that they will be required to apply during independent and classroom study. Students will also use the writing process to communicate effectively and efficiently. Students will enhance their development of vocabulary, grammar, and writing skills from a variety of sources to enable them to convey ideas, thoughts and feelings.

Instructional Resources:
Holt McDougal Literature textbook, a variety of short stories, novels, poems, dramas and non-fiction works. Additional programs include Word Generation and Read Naturally, as well as Accelerated Reader.

Course Unit Topics:
PSSA standards aligned skill acquisition through literature, non-fiction, language acquisition, writing and text-dependent analysis.

Student works on an English packet.

8th-Grade English Language Arts (ELA)

Course Description:  In eighth grade, students continue to strengthen the development of reading, writing, and public speaking skills not just in language arts, but across the content areas. Students will engage in reading, writing, speaking and listening activities that will enable them to meet the rigorous needs and demands of the PA Common Core State Standards.

Instructional Resources:  The objective of English Language Arts class focuses on reading strategies and the writing process. Reading will be a combination of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry to achieve the targeted objectives of the PA State Standards. The overall goal is awareness to the purpose of reading and the strategies good readers develop and practice. The writing component will be a combination of narrative, argumentative, explanatory, as well as answering text dependent analysis.

Course Unit Topics:

  • Exemplar Texts
  • Young Adult Literature
  • Writing

7th-Grade Social Studies

Course Name:  World History I – Ancient Civilizations

Course Description: This course focuses on early world history and geography with a measured focus on content literacy; including reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Students will explore world history with an emphasis on historical thinking. Students will investigate human history from Early Man through Early Exploration, examining the social, political, economic, and religious aspects. By engaging in historical and geographic thinking, students will learn how to ask skillful questions and be able to analyze global patterns of continuity and change over time.

Instructional Resources:

  • Our World. National Geographic Society, 2006.
  • Novosad, Charles. The Nystrom Desk Atlas. Nystrom, 1998.
  • Blattner, Don, et al. World Civilizations and Cultures. Mark Twain Media Pub., 2012.

Other educational research-based, age-appropriate reading/writing instructional tools.

Course Unit Topics :

  • Foundations of History
  • Basic Geography Skills
  • World’s First Cultures
  • Early Civilizations
  • Fertile Crescent
  • Nile River (Egypt)
  • Indus River (India)
  • Huang He (China)
  • Ancient Greece
  • Roman Empire
  • Arab World

Students in Mrs. Cip's class work on computer.

8th-Grade Social Studies

Course Name: United States History I

Course Description:  This course focuses on early United States history and geography with a measured focus on content literacy; including reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Students will explore American history with an emphasis on historical thinking and primary source documents. Students will investigate European colonization of North America, the American Revolution, U.S. Government, Manifest Destiny, the Civil War, and Reconstruction. By engaging in historical and geographic thinking, students will learn how to ask skillful questions and be able to analyze American patterns of continuity and change over time.

Instructional Resources:

  • Cicero History Beyond (textbook), 2018
  • The Nystrom Atlas of United States History, Herff Jones Nystrom, 2011
  • United States History Beginnings to 1877, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 2018

Units of Study

  • Globalization Leads to Colonization
  • North American Colonies
  • American Independence
  • American Government
  • The Early Republic
  • The Growing Nation and Internal Conflicts
  • The Civil War
  • Reconstruction After the Civil War 

7th-Grade Science

Course Description:  Seventh-grade science will be investigating the following areas of science. Nature of Science and Design and Modeling (STEM). Nature of science is the unifying concepts and processes in science along with seeing science as inquiry. Engaging students in scientific inquiry helps students develop:

  • Understanding of scientific concepts.
  • An appreciation of "how we know" what we know in science.
  • Understanding of the nature of science.
  • Skills necessary to become independent inquirers about the natural world.
  • The dispositions to use the skills, abilities, and attitudes associated with science.

STEM Design and Modeling will function as an introduction to the design process and various design tools used in the design and engineering process. During this part of the course, students will constantly be collaborating in teams to work through problems as engineers and designers would. They will complete design challenges while simultaneously being exposed to the tools and software that they will need to complete them.

Instructional Resources:
Amassed and adapted curriculum from a wide variety of sources, including journals, lab books, Web sites, packaged curricula, and other teachers. These sources have been mapped to the standards of our school and state.

Course Unit Topics:

  • Nature of Science 1
    • Observations/Inferences/Predictions/Hypotheses/Theories/Laws
  • Nature of Science 2
    • Tools and measurements
  • Nature of Science 3
    • Scientific method and experimental design
  • Nature of Science 4
    • Patterns/Systems/Technology
  • Design & Modeling
    • They will learn about engineering and the STEM courses (science, technology, engineering, and math). Metric and customary systems of measurement will be studied, and students will use sketching and dimensioning techniques. Students will complete all steps of the Design Process
Student works on laptop in science class.

8th-Grade Integrated Science

Course Description: Eighth-grade Integrated Science provides introduction and preparation for high school and collegiate areas of study.  Course content matches the PDE Science grade 8 Assessment Anchors and Eligible Content.

Instructional Resources:

  • search: KFCscience
  • Teacher-created resources

Course Unit Topics:

  • Applied sciences:
    • Crime Scene Investigation
    • Scientific Method
    • Chemistry
  • Physics:
    • Energy
    • Forces
  • Robotics & Automation